
For Exhibitor > Exhibitor Info


1、Exhibitors Analysis  

    ISRE 2017 gathered 532 exhibitors from different country. The showcase is exclusively dedicated to showcasing the whole smart home industry chain covering the technologies of smart home,intelligent building,wearable,AI,smart hardware,solution,Sensor Network, wireless Communication,Big Data Processing,integration,Cloud,Real-Time Locating,media,etc.

2、Exhibitors from all over the world

ISRE 2017 gather 52 exhibitors from different countries and areas such as Korea,America,Japan,France,Germany British,Switzerland,Netherland ,Poland ,Finland,Taiwan, Hongkong.

3、Exhibitor Catalogs

Click here to check more information about exhibitors:https://eng.iotexpo.com.cn/sz/ExhibitorList.html





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